Online Ads Targeting Amazon Prime Subscribers on Prime Day Slam Amazon for Abuse of Warehouse Workers

July 17, 2018

SumOfUs Says Amazon’s Treatment of Workers is Unacceptable

SEATTLE -- Today, SumOfUs, an international consumer group, is announcing the launch of a massive crowdfunded online ad campaign exposing Amazon’s treatment of its warehouse workers - who are often mistreated, forced to forgo bathroom breaks to meet unreasonable work requirements, and often are underpaid and forced to rely on government subsidies to make ends meet.

The launch of the online ads coincides with Amazon Prime Day - a day where special deals are only available to users with an Amazon Prime account and SumOfUs’ online ads will run on Google and Facebook targeting Amazon Prime customers and subscribers.


“While CEO Jeff Bezos indulges himself as the richest man on earth, thousands of his employees rely on government subsidies and food stamps to top up their wages and make ends meet,” said Reem Suleiman, campaigner at SumOfUs. “This Prime Day, we choose to support Amazon workers from all over the globe. That is why we’re plastering the internet with anti-Amazon ads. Every time a shopper sees Amazon advertising new deals, our ad will be sitting right alongside, telling customers everything they need to know about Amazon’s shocking mistreatment of workers. If Amazon won't pay its workers, we need to hit it where it hurts: their sales.”

Earlier this year, SumOfUs put forth a shareholder resolution at Amazon’s Annual General Meeting calling for Jeff Bezos to be held accountable as CEO by being removed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. In addition to the shareholder resolution, SumOfUs members protested outside the annual meeting of shareholders arguing “Bezos need a boss.”

Last year, more than 600,000 people signed onto a campaign from SumOfUs, urging Amazon to stop financially supporting the white supremacist news website, Breitbart, with online advertisements.

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